
Welcome to Assessment.io

Assessment.io is a tool which focuses on helping students pre-calculate their internal marks split-up (such as Mid-semester, assignments, lab exams and projects ) based on the user input.



Step-1: Enter number of credited subjects (n) you have
Step-2: Then you'll find new n boxes (for n subjects) fill the info
Step-3: Enter the subject name, number of credits of the subject, obtained CIA Marks and predicted SEE Marks and based on all these info you will see your grade
Step-4: Enter the details for all the credited subjects you have
Step-5:After filling all the subjects info press the Submit all button and There you go your estimation is done!

Enter the Subjects

Tip: Maintaining higher grades in high credit subjects is benificial for both career and maintianing GPA

Note: This tracker is just to bring awareness among students of how they can plan and score better by analyzing with their inputs and grades